compost, eucalyptus leaf waste, organic material, soil fertilityAbstract
The utilization of eucalyptus leaf waste in the processing unit of the eucalyptus oil factory has not been carried out optimally and has great potential as raw material for making organic fertilizer in the form of compost. This study aimed to study the potential use of eucalyptus leaf compost to improve soil fertility limiting factors in Jati Plus plantations. This research was conducted at the Department of Research and Innovation of the Perhutani Forestry Institute, Cepu, Central Java, and in the chemical laboratory of the Department of Soil, FPUB. This study used a completely randomized design consisting of four treatments and three replications. The results showed that eucalyptus leaf waste could be composted with organic carbon content, total nitrogen, total P2O5, total K2O, high organic matter content, high cation exchange capacity, and neutral pH. Perhutani's Teak Plus Plantation has fertility limiting factors on the ustic soil moisture regime, alkaline soil reaction, and clay texture. Eucalyptus leaf waste compost can be used as organic material for the strategic direction of soil management in several Jati Plus Perhutani plantation areas.
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