infiltration, land cover, organic matter, soil porosity, soil waterAbstract
Changes in land cover of forest provide different soil organic matter which affects soil infiltration through soil porosity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of differences in land cover on soil infiltration at UB Forest of Karangploso Malang. The study area was divided into six plots, namely protected area plots, mahogany production forests, pine production forests intercropped with coffee plants that have three different canopy densities (tenuous, sufficient and tight) and pine production forests intercropped with seasonal crops. Field observations were carried out to analyze the characteristics of vegetation with a sample plot measuring 20x20 m. The parameters observed were canopy density, basal area, plant density, litter and understorey. The taking of soil samples was done by making minipit which was repeated four times; Â the parameters observed were organic matter, texture, bulk density, particle density and soil porosity. Infiltration measurements were carried out with two methods i.e. single ring infiltrometer and rainfall simulator, each of which was repeated three times. Observation data were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and followed by with LSD test with a significant level of 5%. The results showed that differences in land cover can affect soil infiltration (F-count > F-table 3.33). The effect of land cover on infiltration occurs through litter which is a source of organic material which will then affect the physical properties of the soil, namely soil porosity. Soil porosity is a very influential factor in soil infiltration. The highest soil infiltration reta of 131.33 cm hour-1 was found in protected areas. Meanwhile, the lowest infiltration rate of 12 cm hour-1 was found in pine production forest plots intercropped with annual crops.
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