Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan2024-07-01T08:16:46+00:00Redaksi Journal Systems<div> <h3><strong style="font-size: 14px;">e-ISSN: <a title="e-ISSN JTSL" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2549-9793</a></strong></h3> </div> <p><strong>Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan (Journal of Soil and Land Resources)</strong> is published by the Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya. Articles from original research results and reviews on aspects of soil and land resource, which includes biogeochemistry, ecosystem structures and functions, pedology and land information system, soil and water quality, soil biology, soil chemistry, soil fertility, soil physics, and sustainable soil and land management can be published in this journal. Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan is published in one year. Each volume consists of two numbers published in <strong>JANUARY</strong> and <strong>JULY</strong>.</p> <p>Welcome to <a href=""></a>, the editorial and online submission system for Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan (Journal of Soil and Land Resources). To submit manuscripts, visit <a href="">Online Submission</a>. New authors (first time in this journal) who will submit manuscripts for publication must register online to obtain a username and password to log in. If the authors find difficulties using the Online Submission system, please do not hesitate to contact the journal manager via the following e-mail address: <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a>.</p> <p> </p> KESUBURAN DAN KESESUAIAN LAHAN BERBASIS KOMODITAS DI KECAMATAN TUGU DAN KARANGAN KABUPATEN TRENGGALEK2024-07-01T05:24:59+00:00Syamsul Budi Budi Nugraha<p>Drought is a major challenge in developing the integrated farming system (IFS) in Trenggalek Regency, making it one of the factors contributing to the construction of the Tugu Dam. Additionally, in developing the IFS area, it is necessary to assess soil fertility and land suitability evaluation for food and livestock feed commodities. The research was conducted in Tugu and Karangan Sub-Districts, Trenggalek Regency by conducting spatial analysis and soil survey at locations potentially affected by dam construction and soil samples analysis at the laboratory. The results of this study found that the level of soil fertility at the research site was included in the low to very low class with characteristics of acidic pH, very low C-organic, very low total N and low base saturation. While the results of the actual land suitability evaluation of rice, maize, and elephant grass showed the land suitability class S3 with limiting factors of C-organic, pH, total N, P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>, and base saturation.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan POTENSI NILAI EKONOMI AGROFORESTRI BERBASIS PALUDIKULTUR UNTUK RESTORASI LAHAN GAMBUT 2024-07-01T05:25:04+00:00Mashlahatul Nur Nirmala Sarielinnsari@gmail.comRizky Januar<p>Paludiculture-based agroforestry promotes sustainable peatland-use management practices through rewetting activities on drained peatland, revegetating degraded peatland using high-value local tree species and at the same time providing economic benefits for local communities. Due to its potential benefits in maintaining balance between production and protection function of the landscape, paludiculture-based agroforestry in peatlands is purposed to support the restoration efforts. This paper explores the potential, ideal paludiculture-based agroforestry direction, and economic value. We present two scenarios for agroforestry in peatlands: 1) business as usual (BAU) agroforestry by combining native peatland tree species and dryland crops, and 2) paludiculture-based agroforestry by combining native peatland tree species and paludiculture crops. The results show that the economic value of BAU agroforestry ranges from IDR 40.32 million (US$2,826) to IDR 133.47 million (US$9,355) per hectare per year (ha/year) and paludiculture-based agroforestry from IDR 44.22 million (US$3,099) to IDR 106.73 (US$7,481) million ha/year. Taking the BAU model as baseline, the paludiculture model leads to higher emission reduction with a value of IDR 6.2 million (US$435) to IDR 25.21 million (US$1767) per ha/year relative to the BAU. This implies a wider scope of ecological and economic benefits offered by the paludiculture-based agroforestry model compared to the BAU.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan SPASIAL PERUBAHAN TUTUPAN LAHAN PASCA KEBAKARAN HUTAN DAN LAHAN DI KABUPATEN MUARO JAMBI2024-07-01T08:16:46+00:00Rizki Feroza Maruddanirizkiferoza24@gmail.comLili Somantrililisomantri@upi.eduFrandica<p>Changes in land use and cover play an important role in sustainable natural resource management. Muaro Jambi Regency, which is rich in biodiversity, has ecosystem services for residents in the area, especially plantations which are one of the leading commodities. Forests as the largest land cover in Muaro Jambi Regency have experienced quite rapid changes, especially after forest and land fires occur almost every year. Real-time monitoring and assessment on a spatio-temporal basis is important to determine changes in land cover. This research examines changes in land cover in Sarolangun Regency from Landsat-8 time series images from 2018 to 2023. Land cover is classified into 6 classes using the supervised classification method. The data findings show that forests have experienced a significant decline, while settlements have experienced a very substantial increase. Comprehensive research regarding the vulnerability of periodic land cover changes at local and regional levels must be carried out to maintain sustainable environmental ecosystems.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan BIOCHAR DIPERKAYA SILIKA DAN ARANG AKTIF DALAM PERBAIKAN KAPASITAS MEMEGANG AIR, C-ORGANIK DAN KAPASITAS TUKAR KATION PADA INCEPTISOL 2024-07-01T05:25:13+00:00Annisa Islamiatiannisa.islamiati0100@gmail.comAnia Citraresminiania002@brin.go.idTamad<p>Inceptisol is a widespread soil with a total of 37% of the land area in Indonesia. On the island of Java, Inceptisol has an intensive management intensity, one of which is in Kertasari District, Bandung Regency, West Java, which has a high potential for soil damage due to a decrease in the soil's ability to hold water. Biochar enriched with silica and activated charcoal Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB) is a type of organic soil amendment that can improve the ability of Inceptisol to hold water and support nutrient needs through organic C indicators and cation exchange capacity. The research was carried out by taking soil samples and then incubating them according to the treatment for 14 days. The experimental design used in the study was a non-factorial, Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with 12 levels consisting of 3 L/ha of silica-enriched rice husk biochar and OPEFB's activated charcoal, with each in the range of 0-6.25 tons/ha. Measurement results of water holding capacity parameters, C-organic, and cation exchange capacity were analyzed statistically, and significant differences in responses were obtained from the treatments. The optimum dose for Inceptisol in Kertasari uses silica-enriched biochar to increase water holding capacity, organic C, and cation exchange capacity, respectively, at 4.92 tons/ha, 5.73 tons/ha, and 2.51 tons/ha. Otherwhile, OPEFB's activated charcoal was 1.7 tons/ha, 0.125 tons/ha, and 1.5 tons/ha, respectively.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan TAMBAK SILVOFISHERY TERHADAP SIFAT FISIK TANAH MANGROVE SEBAGAI LAHAN KONSERVASI DAERAH MUARA SUNGAI BOGOWONTO KULON PROGO DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA2024-07-01T05:25:25+00:00Lulu'Ayu Faezatiyluluayu111@gmail.comDjoko<p>The Bogowonto River estuary is a coastal area in the open water category because it faces the Indian Ocean directly, it has high wave energy, which will cause erosion and abrasion, and the presence of mangrove and pond ecosystems (silvofishery) can support the development of coastal areas as conservation land. So it is necessary to conduct research to examine the influence of soil physical properties on silvofishing and determine the types of mangroves in the Bogowonto River estuary area. The method used was a survey, where soil samples were tested at the Yogyakarta BPTP Laboratory and the Yogyakarta "Veteran" National Development University at a depth of 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm. Sampling was conducted in a zigzag method from the left (near the pond) and right sides of the river. The results of the research found that there are 2 types of mangroves, namely the Tan cang (<em>Bruguiera</em> sp.), which grows far from the coastline and close to fish pond areas (silvofishery), has a has a relatively stable pH, is dominated by clay texture, and has a low salinity level. White Mangrove (<em>Avicennia</em> sp.) grows near the coastline, with a dominant sandy loam texture, low-normal pH, and high salinity levels. Mangroves that grow along the southern river in the presence of silvofishery can help with the deposition process of mud that is transported along the river and maintain the sustainability of fish populations, and litter from mangroves tends to increase the organic matter content of the soil.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan DAYA DUKUNG LAHAN PERTANIAN SEBAGAI UPAYA MENDUKUNG KETERSEDIAAN PANGAN DI KAWASAN SLEMAN TENGAH2024-07-01T05:25:29+00:00Tiara<p>The Central Sleman area is a peri-urban area directly adjacent to Yogyakarta, making land conversion increasingly prevalent and unavoidable. In comparison, the Central Sleman area has a role as one of the food barns due to fertile land conditions and is suitable for agriculture. Intensive conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural land will result in the loss of productive agricultural land, resulting in decreased rice production. This will result in high rice imports and reduced employment in the agricultural sector. This research aims to analyze the development of agricultural land use, its projection, and the carrying capacity of agricultural land in the Central Sleman Region. The calculation of the agricultural land carrying capacity is based on Odum, Howard, and Issard. The results showed that the Central Sleman Area has a decreasing rate of change in the agricultural land area every year in Kapanewon. The calculation results of agricultural land's carrying capacity show that in 2020, land's carrying capacity exceeded 0.83. The results of the projection calculation in 2024 found that 4 out of 5 Kapanewon in the Central Sleman Region cannot achieve food self-sufficiency. Therefore, efforts are needed to increase the carrying capacity of agricultural land, mainly through increasing the productivity of food crops and protecting agricultural land from land conversion.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan PERKEMBANGAN LAHAN TERBANGUN BERDASARKAN METODE SUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION MENGGUNAKAN GOOGLE EARTH ENGINE (STUDI KASUS: DESA CIPUTI, KECAMATAN PACET, KAB.CIANJUR)2024-07-01T05:25:37+00:00Amanah Anggun Dwi Mandini<p>Monitoring the development of built-up areas can be done by observing remote sensing time series data such as Satellite Imagery. Google Earth Engine (GEE) makes it easy for users to access satellite image data, data processing and data analysis. GEE provides various machine learning algorithms to extract land cover data. This research aims to analyze the development of built-up areas using time series of remote sensing data, namely Sentinel 2A images recorded in 2019 and 2023 and comparing Random Forest (RF), Classification and Regression Tree (CART), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Gradient Tree Boost (GTB) algorithms and predicts built-up areas in 2027. Based on the results of this research, RF is the algorithm with the highest accuracy in mapping land cover in Ciputri Village with an Overall Accuracy (OA) of 92% and a Kappa Coefficent (KC) of 0.89 in both the 2019 and 2023 classification results, while the lowest accuracy is the SVM algorithm. A comparison of the built-up land area between the 2019 and 2023 classification results shows a decrease in the built-up land area of 3.08 ha. Meanwhile, the prediction results for 2027 show an increase in built-up areas to 114.72 ha.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan SPASIAL DAN TEMPORAL CURAH HUJAN BULANAN KABUPATEN JEMBER BERDASARKAN DATA CHIRPS2024-07-01T05:25:46+00:00Ika Reza Wahyu Wahyu Arif<p>Jember Regency is one of the national food storage areas. One of the most important resources in cultivating food crops is water which comes from rainfall. The existence of rainfall data is very important in planning and implementing agricultural activities. Limited rainfall data is the main problem for agricultural planning. One solution to this problem is to utilize rainfall data from CHIRPS (Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation Station). The use of CHIRPS data is still biased data, so bias correction is needed to measure the level of accuracy of CHIRPS data for estimating rainfall in an area. Bias correction is carried out using two methods, namely multiple linear regression and power regression. The correction results show that the multiple linear regression method is able to produce monthly rainfall that is close to observations with an RMSE value of 3.9 and a coefficient of determination of 0.99. Temporally, the peak of the rainy season in Jember Regency occurs in December while the dry season is in August. In the rainy season (December-January and February) Jember Regency's rainfall is around 300-500 mm/month and in the dry season (June-July-August) it is in the range of 50-200 mm/month. Spatially, the northern part of Jember, especially Sumberbaru, Bangsalsari and Tanggul subdistricts, is wetter than the Jember Regency area as a whole. The southern part of Jember, especially those close to the coast, has lower rainfall than other regions. In the dry season, rainfall in this region is less than 20 mm/month.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan TIGA METODE PENGUKURAN BOBOT ISI PADA TANAH GAMBUT2024-07-01T05:25:51+00:00Christina Sinagasinagachristinagreasia@gmail.comRossie Wiedya Zakaria<p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to compare the methods of bulk density measurements in peat soils. The methods are ring sample, peat auger, and syringe. The research was conducted in peat soils in Pontianak City. The research was carried out from June to December 2023. Peat samples were the surface peat (0-10 cm). The samples were collected from five plots, and five replications. On average, the value of bulk density measured by the ring sample was 0.27 g cm<sup>-3</sup>, which is significantly different from bulk density values measured by the peat auger and syringe: 0.11 g cm<sup>-3</sup> and 0.09 g cm<sup>-3</sup>, respectively. Bulk densities of peat auger and syringe are statistically indifferent. Soil compaction during sampling causes the ring sample's high bulk density value. Accordingly, carbon stock calculation based on ring sample bulk density is significantly higher than carbon stocks calculated by bulk densities of auger and syringe. The bulk density measurement with a peat auger took longer because a water displacement approach must measure the sample volume. Collecting bulk-density samples with a syringe is the easiest and fastest. The volume of the syringe sample is only 10 cm<sup>3</sup>, and the sample can be taken until the mineral substratum. The number of sample collected by syringe can be significantly increased at 5 cm sampling interval, or equals to 10 sub-samples per 50 cm peat core. Pearson linear correlations of these three methods are sufficiently strong.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK TANAMAN WORTEL (Daucus carota L.) DI KECAMATAN SIRAMPOG KABUPATEN BREBES JAWA TENGAH2024-07-01T05:25:56+00:00Sefa Falahudinsefafalahudin19@gmail.comYudha Sakti Nugrohosefafalahudin19@gmail.comRofiq Agiel Prastyasefafalahudin19@gmail.comFendra<p>The characteristics and quality of soil can affect the suitability of a land for a certain type of land use. The quality of the soil itself has a close relationship with the characteristics of the land because it has a score weight that affects the suitability of the land. Land characteristics such as slope and land cover affect soil quality such as nutrient content. Erosion calculations using the USLE method show that slope and land cover affect the rate of erosion, where erosion can leach nutrients that result in decreased soil quality. This study aims to determine the suitability of land for carrot plants in Sirampog District. Sirampog District has suitable marginal to suitable temperature, suitable humidity and rainfall, suitable soil texture (loam, sandy loam, and silty loam) relatively low cation exchange capacity (CEC) with very high base saturation, acidic soil pH, medium C-organic, medium N-total, very low P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> and very low K<sub>2</sub>O. This study provided an evaluation of land suitability so that farmers use effective and efficient techniques in cultivating carrot plants, so that carrot crop productivity can be optimal.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan